Art and Life

Art and Life


Welcome! Thanks for visiting! I've been following some art and basic living blogs, and they've inspired me to start one myself. So glad you're here. I love my family, friends, reading, painting, decorating and being outside, so you'll find a little bit of all of that here.

Painting and taking photos is a dream come true. Please take a look and enjoy my creations. Some of my artwork is for sale on etsy at

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I don't know what I did in formatting, but there's so much space between the top of the blog and my first post--I don't know how to change it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This Moment

I just finished this mixed media painting with the quote "Enjoy this Moment" on it. Because I have lupus and kidney disease and went through a year and a half of chemotherapy for it, I feel much more inclined to make the most of every opportunity. Stand outside a just look at the full moon or swing on the swings too when my daughter does, instead of just watching or pushing her. It's a great reminder that this moment is all we really have; we have to stop thinking about yesterday and we shouldn't always be planning what's coming up. It's an eye opener when you truly think about how we wish away our present moment for something else. Just try to enjoy the one you're in right now. Be present in that. Look into the eyes of someone you're talking to and really listen. Swing on the swings every chance you get.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you having FUN?

I like this quote: "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong" by George DiCarlo. Are people really enjoying their lives? Truly? Or are they just getting by, day and day doing what they HAVE to do to make their lives work? If you stop and think about that quote, do you think maybe you would live your life differently? Would you make more memories? Would you try to make the tasks you have to do more fun in some creative way? Maybe make a contest out of house cleaning with your kids; have a dance party in your living room one night a week; have more fun because life really is short.

My Sunshine II

Here's a new mixed media painting I just finished. I'm doing a couple with "My Sunshine" on it because the first one got a lot of comments at my art show (and it sold), so I'm doing a few more with different colors.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Sunshine

A new mixed media/painting called "My Sunshine." Makes me think of singing to my daughter when she was a bit younger.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Creative is a Verb by Patti Digh

I just want to share some of the great bits that spoke to me that I highlighted in Patti's new book Creative is a Verb. (I know I'm obsessed with her right now.) She states, "...[we need to] see our lives as free ourselves up to say what we long to say, to paint what we alone see in this vast incredible world, to build artful and joyous relationships, to leave a legacy of color and form and laughter in our wake." I love this image she paints (no pun intended).

Great Blog with Quotes Quotes Quotes

I absolutely love quotes, especially ones that make me think, laugh or really teach me something. A blog I love to visit is Bits of Truth. It has great quotes surrounded by interesting photos and pictures. They are great reminders of realities we sometimes forget as life goes on. Stop by and visit for some laughs or some great wisdom. Here's an example from the site...It was hard to just choose one!

Right Now I'm Loving...

1. Patti Digh--her books are amazing and inspiring. I want to meet her!
2. Taking afternoon naps while the husband works outside.
3. Iced Mocha from Starbucks (I wish they had coupons).
4. Inspiring quotes from really smart people (like Patti Digh).
5. Fall trees with the sun shining through the changing leaves making shadows on the ground.

Reading and Being Inspired!

I just finished reading Creative is a Verb by Patti Digh. I really wish I knew this woman. She's amazing. Over a year ago I got her book Life is a Verb and it really, REALLY spoke to me (and made me laugh out loud). If you don't know about Life is a Verb, get it. Seriously. It will wake you up to all that matters in your life and the world. She shows how important it is to be true to yourself, and only yourself and embrace life because we don't know how long we have on earth. After reading both books I feel like I cherish my daughter more and really look at things and decide what's important. She makes me feel like being a better person. She's on a book tour right now, but no stops in Wisconsin--I truly wish I could meet her. She's damn amazing!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Upcoming Art Show

I will be at the Taste of the Arts Fair in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin on Saturday, June 12.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Abstract floral painting

"Kaleidoscope" is the name of this abstract vase of roses. I got the inspiration for the colors from my dry painting palette where so many colors have been mixed together and then have dried, creating a kaleidoscope of colors.

Charming Photo

I live near a cute house that puts this antique Schwinn out every year with a pot of flowers inside the basket. Finally I broke down and took some photos of it. Isn't it charming?

First Nighttime Painting

This painting called "Midnight Garden" will be hung
in my daughter's bedroom.

Some new paintings

This piece is called "Pink Heaven."
As I get older I love the color pink more and more!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Upcoming Art Shows

I'll be at the Racine Lakefront Art Festival on Saturday, May 1, 2010. If you're in the mood for taking a stroll by the lake and enjoying the outdoors and art, please stop by!